Thursday, May 13, 2010

{ Where I Work }

My workspace is tucked into a corner of the cottage - near the kitchen, next to the fire, right by the front door and overlooking the garden, lawn and down to my chooks and the working dog pens. It can be a bit of a dumping ground because it is right by the front door (keys, mail etc.) but I have tried to be super organised since working from home with paperwork that is never ending.


I have had my desk since I moved out of home when I was 18. It as simple, white, cheap and has served me well through uni and now. By luck it slotted perfectly into this little nook between the door and the fireplace. I have been using a mac since about December 2008, after using them throughout uni but having a PC laptop. I thought I would miss having the portability of a laptop but I have never once had the need for one, I think because I've got my iphone now. The big screen is perfect for my photography work. Mr M hates the mac, he has never really used them much and gets super frustrated with it! 

I desperately needed more storage space for my oh-so-organised new self, ideally I thought shelves above my desk would be good put I have two windows instead of walls! I wanted something like this or this but really couldn't part with that sort of money. So for Christmas Mr M presented me with some timber, four casters and some screws. It took him until March but he knocked up exactly what I wanted, measuring each space to fit my printer and my folders, I then gave it a coat of paint and voila! I added a white storage basket, my guillotine and craft punches sit neatly on top and some camera gear can hide to the side.

I've also had these drawers since uni days. It fits in nicely next to my desk and below Mr M's UHF radio that is mounted to our mantle. More storage in the form of boxes and a letter holder which serves as my in-tray. Urgent mail goes straight in there as well as writing papers, envelopes and my trusty Notebook magazine booklet of 100 best ever home hints I refer to a lot. The drawers originally came with black knobs, I replaced them with clear and pink crystal ones.


The little bit of wall space I do have to adorn I framed some of my favourite fabrics from Heather Bailey's Nicey Jane range in simple square white frames. They sit above my many notebooks that I scribble in and my diary. 

And that is my workspace! Where I spend most of my days updating websites, photoshopping, emailing clients etc. It works fairly well as a hub for Little Miss Emma and Emma Durkin Photographics, as well as the household in general. Being right next to the kitchen I have recipes on the screen constantly that I can read as I cook, and it's a central point to play music from.

If you work from home do you have a dedicated space? 

Is it a whole sprawling office or just a nook like mine?

Desk: Ikea
Drawers: Ikea 
Pencil cup: kikki-k
White basket: Officeworks
White storage box: kikki-k
Floral storage box: Bed, Bath n Table
Frames: Corban & Blair
Fabric: Fresh Fabric Australia
Letter organiser: kikki-k
Pink folders: Woolworths
White folders: kikki-k


 Viv said...

Such a pretty spot to work and with a view! Lucky girl.

Paint Me White said...

Emma what a gorgeous space you have created. Just gorgeous. Sandy x

Anonymous said...

What a great spot to work from, I would love to be looking out those windows out on to a beautiful garden... I would struggle being tidy, in full veiw of the house I think! I have my work space in our spare bedroom... so Im sharing with some bunk beds. My veiw (on the rare occasion I open the blinds) is a close up of my side fence! Yuck.. not too inspiring..
:) Flick

Abby said...

Gorgeous! Love the framed Heather Bailey fabric - really pretty!

Bonnie- amour amour said...

Such a lovely spot to work.

sideoats + scribbles said...

What a happy place! Thanks for the tour! :)


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