Wednesday, January 6, 2010

{ I'm baaaaack... }

Ahhh I am back from the land of holidays, family, friends, water-skiing, weddings and galavanting about the country side! My break over Christmas and New Years has been great - full of good food, good cheer and good company.

What did you get up to? Are you just heading back to work now, coming out from your hibernation to face the glare? I head back to the dreaded day job tomorrow - but only for another week until I am finished forever and embark on what I am calling the Spectacular 2010 Enlightenment! Over the past two weeks I have done two weddings and had my camera with me a lot - I am so looking forward to jumping in feet first to my little business and seeing where the tide takes me.

And how about those resolutions...a new year, a clean slate, a fresh, crisp never-been-written-on notebook ready to be scrawled on. Mine are not so much things I want to achieve this year {okay so they sort of are} but improvements I would like to make to my daily lifestyle. There are the obvious: I want to achieve certain things with Little Miss Emma as well as Emma Durkin Photographics, I want to work really hard at it, I want to reach certain milestones professionally, I want to earn a comfortable but rewarding living doing what I love.

Then I also want need to ride Archie more, get fit, start running, be excited about cooking weeknight meals, have a weekly meal planner, save some money, be more organised. All the usual new years plans.

Making my list of things I want to do/achieve this year though I was so proud - this time last year I made one, simple but absolute resolution: by the time 2009 had come to an end I was going to resign from my job to pursue my photography career, whilst dabbling in my craftiness. Then the fires came and everything turned to chaos - that probably set me back about 6 months, but it felt really good to hand in my resignation in early December.

What are your resolutions? Is 2010 going to be your fabulous year, like me?!

Now, later I have a spectacular post for you of my friend Courtney's wedding on Monday, which I was lucky enough to photograph for her. It was a beautiful wedding, Courtney looked stunning and her groom Brian was so besotted with her. Very cute. I don't usual like to post photos of myself and definitely not of Mr M but these photos from the wedding reception crack me up - we had a lot of fun.

Stay tuned for a stunning wedding post...

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