Saturday, December 19, 2009

{ My True Love Gave To Me...Continued }

And while you're there Santa, these lovelies left under my tree wouldn't go astray also...

1. Leather petal shoes from pretaportobello - because they're really pretty and look comfy.
2. Storage from Urban Outfitters to go at the foot of our bed {if it will fit???}
3. Receipt book from Kikki-K - for my new business ventures, no more getting a monthly salary. Claim, claim, claim!
4. White leather notebook cover from Kikki-K - for meetings with photography clients. I am, after all, a very busy and important person. Or so my 7 year old niece Chloe once told me.
5. Hide from Ikea, would love one from NSW Leather Co. also. Mr M just killed a red angus steer here on Ythanbrae, wondering if I can get the hide tanned or is that massively expensive? Hmm....
6. Personalised glasses stationery from Pink Loves Brown - I enquired as to getting these in custom colours but apparently comes only in pink and orange. It's growing on me though.
7. Turquoise shelf from Urban Outfitters - for re-vamped spare bedroom/studio to put my jars of laces, buttons and ribbon on. Not sure if I can hang this from a picture rail though and it be very sturdy? No drilling holes in new painted walls - after all, we don't own the cottage. Mr M says this looks like a hose reel...

What is on your Christmas wishlist? Do you think you will get any of it or is all rather wishful thinking? Do you drop massive hints? Play it cool? Do you prefer vouchers, very personal gifts or anything that takes the giver's fancy really? Do tell.

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