Tuesday, August 4, 2009

{ Tuesday's Object of Desire }

These prints from Melbourne (and Wellington, NZ) based Sweet William is this Tuesday's Object of Desire. I love that the three sisters live on opposite sides of the Tasman and due to modern conveniences like skype, blogging and running an etsy shop, they can run a successful business together. Genius.

The lovely ladies behind Sweet William try to (and successfully) use recycled, upcycled or reclaimed materials - a double incentive to support their already gorgeous designs. I love the line drawing of the print below, reminds me of doodling I'd do during algebra at high school!

Find Sweet William at their etsy shop, their madeit shop and at their blog. They are also a part of the great Magnolia Square market which I am hoping to get down to Melbourne to a have a look at this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the blog love. We too are amazed at how we manage to keep our shop working - but its so addictive - we can't stop! You have a great blog - thumbs up for the feature.


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