Tuesday, September 7, 2010

to market, to market

The rain started. It started on Friday night and it wouldn't stop. Flood warnings were issued for the north east of Victoria. Who on earth was going to go for a weekend drive to a country market?! A marquee was erected and we trudged on. The Yea Country Market was going ahead rain, hail or shine thanks to the dedicated committee and loyal locals who said they would be out there with kids in gumboots and umbrellas in hand.

Little Miss Emma was lucky enough to be moved into the historic old goods shed at Railway Park, nice and warm, dry and with lots of passing foot traffic. The majority of customers on Saturday were grandmas buying up for precious grandchildren: my favourite kind of customers! I love chatting with them, "How old is she?" "What's his favourite colour?" I sold a reversible skirt and matching birdie t-shirt to a grandmother to send to her three year old granddaughter in Hong Kong - Little Miss Emma has gone global!

Other stallholders included Carolyn from Abundance Wellness and Beauty, Pash Designs (fellow madeit seller - very cute dolls), freshly baked bread, coffee, pottery and assorted fresh veggies, honey, olives, oils, wines and local produce. Across from me was a lovely lady sitting with a spinning wheel (yes just like in Sleeping Beauty) and spinning her own alpaca wool. 

A few new additions to this market: new white clip hangers to display girls skirts, boys shorts and a new way to display minky blankets. I also made some little felt stuffed toys, babushka rattles, my new hair ties and clips and of course had my new 'girl' (or boy?). Unfortunately I didn't have her base, but should get it this week in time for Sugar and Spice Market this weekend in Woodend.

There was live music as well with some classic rockabilly tunes, apparently at the next market there is a jazz band. And then when I thought it all couldn't get any more quaint or jovial, Monty's cousin Annie came along and set up next to my stall to start busking with her violin. She was brilliant, with not a squeak or screech to be heard!

...do not even get me started on this little fella that spent the day nestled amongst some knitted wares on the stall next to me. Tooooooo cute!

Overall it was a successful day considering the conditions - I was very pleasantly surprised! Just imagine if it was a beautiful Spring day?! The Yea Country Market is to be held on the first Saturday of every month at historic Railway Park in Station St, Yea. 

Little Miss Emma will definitely be back for the October market, hopefully you will be too :)

Special mention to the ever patient Mr M for fixing my clothes stand, constant 'advice', quality control and display ideas. And to my lovely friend Stephanie who helped set up, trudging through the rain and mud and getting very wet feet!  Thanks a squillion xxx


Sarah said...

oh Emma it all looks so quaint and full of character. your stall looks wonderful...full of delightful gifts.

Fiona said...

Looks lovely Emma - every time I see your stall it just keeps getting better!

Killiecrankie Farm said...

Your table looks delicious - the colours call out to you to come and have a look. Shame about the rain, I hope it has calmed down over there for you Vic's. We are expecting more again tomorrow

material girl said...

you've given me some inspiration today emma! the market looks like a lot of fun. x

Photography said...

They looked great - loved your table :-) I LOVE Markets such fun :-)


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