Thursday, September 16, 2010

little miss moving

I have some sad but also exciting news. No it's exciting. Definitely exciting.

After long deliberation, discussion, ho-humming, pro's and con's list writing and even a trip to Papua New Guinea, Mr M and I have decided that we are on the move.

We have been at Ythanbrae over two years now, in Yea for almost three. It has become our home, our sanctuary and haven. We have been overwhelmed with the welcoming into the Yea community we have received, all the lovely friends we have made and have really come to love our small country town. Not to mention how much I have fallen in love with Ythanbrae and the cottage.

Our plan after university was always to be in Yea for 2 to 5 years - that time is now up and we are moving on to bigger and better things! We tossed up whether we would travel, pack everything up and hit the road jackarooing and governessing for a year, we also considered becoming ex-pat's and heading to PNG, Singapore, the US or Canada on bigger farms, Mr M had job offers which he pondered. But at the end of the day our hearts and our heads always came back to one place: Thorpdale. My home. Where I grew up and my heart will always be, on my family's farms Ballina Park and Pine Ridge. My two sisters and my brother have no plans to return home to the farm so Matty and I have stepped up to the plate - helpful that Dad's youngest daughter ended up with a graduate of agricultural science ;)

So come late Oct/early November we will be packing up the cottage and shipping south to a new home. A more permanent home. I can not tell you how much it means to me to be returning to the place my grandfather came to in the 1940's, with plans of a life of our own. Stay tuned for the next installment in our grand adventure - can't wait!


Amy said...

Hooray for us here in Gippsland!
Always a hard decision, but you'll know in your heart that it is right, I'm sure.
xx Amy

Fiona said...

Exciting news Emma! I understand that pull - we have made those decisions ourselves. Best wishes!

Lou said...

Wow Emma that's so exciting! You'll be back in East Gippsland, the place to be :)
And you know what, I actually drove past Thorpdale today (well, the potato place anyway) and it was just grand.

Keep us posted!

Ali said...

wow emma! ive only been reading your blog a short time and you make yea/ythanbrae sound so quaint. growing up on a farm too i know what it's like to go home to a farm... I know (unfortunately) i can never move back there myself, and such a big decision - so I applaud you! congrats!! :) im sure you're turn you family home into your family's home. :)

krystal said...

wow! that is so exciting, wonderful and sad all at the same time.
you seem to be a jill of all trades and i am sure you will do really well no matter where you are, it is just going to be that much easier at "home" and with the boy :)
i will miss the shots of your beautiful cottage, look forward to hearing about your new home

Unknown said...

I want to buy the cottage.
No seriously, I do.....

Unknown said...

I want to buy the cottage.
No seriously, I do.....

Killiecrankie Farm said...

On On to the next grand adventure - so envious of your move to the family farm. Good luck with all the packing, byebye parties and get started in new/old territory :)

Emma said...

Never fear everyone - I can assure you all that Thorpdale is just as beautiful! And ooooh the plans for our new house ;)
@Nicky: well unless you want farm manager job to go with it or a lazy 5mil to buy the 1300 acres that is Ythanbrae I'm afraid you're out of luck
@Lou: Spud shed is in Traf, follow signs off the highway and up the hill 10km to find paradise (closer to heaven we say) ;)

Thankyou everyone for your well wishes!

Sugar and Spice Childrens Market said...

Emma I understand the pain that you and Matt had to go through. I have had to make a similar decision recently and it was not an easy one. My little fam is on the move, not back to the family farm (even thought I am an agricultural science graduate too - not really I am) but a little bit more rural than we currently are.
All the best for the move and leaving that gorgeous cottage behind


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