Tuesday, August 17, 2010

tuesday's object of desire

I am addicted. Absolutely addicted. To madeit of course - what else? I guess the first step is admitting I have a problem.

Pretty much every night Mr M laments "Get off madeit!" I think having our computer in the main living area is becoming a problem...

Today's Object of Desire should in fact be 'Objects' - plural. I just can't narrow down all my madeit finds so here is a little collection from my still crochet obsessed mind. You might love almost as much as I do...

1. Imagination Shop
2. Little People Clothing
3. Handsome
4. Pretties Etc.
5 & 6. Bugalugs Handmade


Beth said...

LOVING your crochet theme of today's desires! I really really want to learn how to crochet for myself! Not sure if you watched the new Aussie show 'Offsprings' on TV the other night, but the main star was wearing a little crochet vest which I thought looked fab!! Granny chic - love it!

Great stuff Emma!

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for featuring my crochet on your blog. I too am completely addicted to Madeit and all the beautiful handmade items made by very talented Aussies ;-)

Emma said...

@Beth: I can't crochet but I really want to learn! I was just looking at books in the library of crochet animals....mmmm...My friend is on Offspring (she's the nurse Kim) so I was glued to the TV and squealing when she came on screen! Everyone watch it! WATCH IT!!!

Beth said...

oh wow! Your friend is lucky to have landed that gig :) I'm pining for a funky crochet vest...might need to get mum to teach me how to crochet afterall!

Jessica said...

Thanks for including my crochet headband.

Amanda said...

Hi Emma,
I have just recently come across your blog and really enjoy reading it. I also live on a farm and love sewing and gardening, and we seem to love a lot of the same things! Have a lovely weekend

Jessie said...

very cute, wish i could crochet!


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