Tuesday, March 30, 2010

{ A Cornish Craving }

Why is it that everything you thought was so daggy as a kid is all you want as an adult setting up home? My Nana who lived (actually still does at the spritely age of 87) next to us has always displayed in her kitchen some Cornishware storage jars, and quite possibly a cream jug as well. As a little girl I thought they were hideously old fashioned, but now I am daydreaming of all things blue and white striped! 

I have always wanted to collect tea cups but in the cottage's kitchen I'm using at the moment anything so frivolous as that cannot be tolerated. (The cottage kitchen is literally 4 square metres, including benches, cupboards, fridge space, 'pantry' of sorts and dishwasher space.) So my 'collection' is limited to about 3 cups and saucers. Quite sad really. A Cornishware tea cup and saucer would (of course) make my morning cup of tea or three taste prettier!

I have also been thinking lately of buying a mortar and pestle, something which I have prolonged purchasing because it seems like such a 'wedding present'. But I have so much basil growing in the garden at the moment just calling out to me to made into pesto, ground away with some pine nuts and olive oil in a mortar and pestle. Well, didn't my heart go a'flutter when I spotted a CORNISHWARE MORTAR AND PESTLE on ebay! Eek! Unfortunately it is way out of my budget at $80 + postage. But still, it is definitely my other object of desire today. 


{ Top image here, middle and bottom image here }


Tina said...

Oh I love Cornishware Emma! I don't have any, although it is on my wishlist too:) I do have a wonderful mortar and pestle which I bought for myself (no wedding presents for us I am afraid - too many cranky family & friends when we eloped...). I would highly recommend buying one, especially if you have all that basil - mmmm pesto!!

Sarah B said...

I love blue and white china of any kind - always have - maybe because my mum is into it as well. I have noticed that Cornishware can vary in colour a bit - some light, some darker - just like the Spode Blue Italian I collect. Oh well, I like it anyway!
Great pics by the way!

Amanda said...

It's funny, I'm the same way with housewares - things I used to think were hideous growing up, I now am actually on the lookout for. I have a Cornishware casserole dish (the blue cornflower style) that my husbands Nan passed on to us - I love it - would love to collect more pieces. Love all those images you've posted, especially the last one :)


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