I have been inspired by the great {Melbournian!} blog bijoukaleidoscope. I love the to-do list on the sidebar that is slowly but surely being ticked off. It made me think about not only all the things I want to do to the cottage, but all the half-finished craft projects I have, all the minky blankets I need to sew, all the canvas's I need to construct and all the photos I need to take for my etsy store.
I will start with what I want to do around the cottage. So, {deep breath} here goes...
- interior and exterior painted
- deck replaced
- sand and paint exterior and wallpaper inside of a wardrobe that we have currently sitting in our shed, to go in our bedroom
- buy new leather couch and have ceremonial burning of the much hated current couch!
- switch over the lounge/dining areas
- reupholster my grandmothers chair to go by the fireplace {what fabric?}
- see if it's possible to get art deco sideboard of Mr M's grandparents restored {apparently not}
- rearrange spare bedroom to accomodate both a craft studio for me and a still a spare room for guests, all in a tiny room!
- get more storage {cupboard?} for bathroom
- new mirror/s and artwork for bathroom
- put full length mirror from our bedroom above the mantle {if possible, very heavy}
- make skirt to hide open shelving which serves as my pantry in my teeny-tiny kitchen
The problem lies in the fact that I don't want to start any of this until the cottage is painted! Hurry up painters! And the fact that I work a 45 hour week at the dreaded day job...plus run my photography business...plus run Little Miss Emma Designs...ho hum.
{ Image by Little Miss Emma }
That is quite a list! Good luck with everything (and can't wait to see pics!)
It is quite the list - daunting to see it all but therapautic to write lists I find! The builders arrived today to start on the deck and the painters are starting tomorrow, hurray progress!
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