I am going to make Tessa a new bed. Yes I am. I promise. No more procrastinating! She has a little pillow/mat that she sits on, in a little nook in between my desk and the fireplace, but she sleeps outside at night. I feel a puppy makeover coming on, it is time for a pouch overhaul! Now if only I could find that perfect fabric for such a project...
In the meantime these pet/home design images are spurring me on:

If you know where this comes from please let me know so I can link back.
Oooh, I wish I were crafty, I would so join you in this project. Lucy is currently curled up on a folded up comforter in the corner of the room. Mind you, she *has* her very own doggie bed, but she seems to like having a variety of perches. A dog bed couldn't be too difficult to make right? (What about for someone with no sewing machine and little skill?)
That pup with his very own fireplace looks super-happy.
Tessa's current bed is just an old comforter stuffed inside a pillow-case-like thing I made for her, but when she was a puppy she chewed the corners...I want to get foam cut and make a box cushion. Shouldn't be that hard.
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